Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day everyone! Our mother's day weekend didn't turn out the way we planned. Landon became sick yesterday afternoon and is still running a fever today. We are going to stay home from school tomorrow to give him another day of rest and to get better.

Poor guy he has not been able to keep anything down since yesterday and has only ate a banana today. Notice the throw up bucket. He has used that several times in the last 24 hours

Tylenol does a sick baby good

Since Landon has been sick, Jason and I have been taking turns going out and doing errands over the weekend.

I went to Kirkland's yesterday and found a new charger to go behind my kitchen sink. I heart Kirkland's

Then I went to Lowe's and bought a new flower for our front porch flower urn

Jason painted all our shutters

Yesterday before Landon got sick, he decorated a cake at Publix for his mommy and GG

Since Landon was still sick this morning, we stayed home from church and I cooked home made lasagna

and Jason made my mom and I a strawberry cake, my favorite. YUM!!

My mom came over and ate lunch with us

The Tylenol kicked in and Landon came out to take a picture

Then my mom and I went to get our toes done

We ended the day with more napping...

10 weeks pregnant

Even though Landon is sick I still had a great day of watching movies, eating and just being a mom. Happy Mother's Day

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