Friday, February 3, 2012

Houston is 5 months old

Today our little miracle boy is 5 months old. I am truly amazed how far Houston has come in the past 5 months.

Here is what Houston has been up to:
Weight: 14lbs
Length: 24"
Size 2 diaper
3-6 months clothes
Starting to smile
Roll from tummy to back
Good head control
Started to sleep from 9pm to 5am
Still sleeps most of the day
Early Intervention (TEIS) says your on a 2 to 3 month level, but your catching up quickly
You want to clinch your fist, so TEIS is bringing a massage therapist to help loosen you up ;o)
Your still on NeoSure formula made especially for preemies and take 5oz every 3 to 4 hours
You LOVE to watch your big brother and I just know you two will be best friends
You still have no hair and dark blue eyes
You are such a good baby and only cry when your tired, hungry or need a diaper change
You go with the flow, very unlike your brother at this age
Big brother was unavailable for a picture due to a previous engagement :o) 
I scored his "new" Buzz Lightyear for $5.00 today from a local FB find.

Houston you are a testimony of how amazing our God is and how there is a special place in his heart for children. We love you very much and could not imagine our life without. You make our family complete and I really enjoy having ALL boys in the house. You have been through a lot in the last 5 months and you have overcome very many obstacles that many doctors and nurses didn't think you would. Today you are a healthy and happy 5 month old and I could not ask anything more of you than that. Houston mommy,daddy and big brother LOVE you. Thank you for making us a complete family of four.
Happy 5 months Houston!

1 comment:

  1. I cant believe that he is five months old! It goes way too fast!
